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H verv ^fnatt percentogis of people mo^ >ejq;KrierKe o seizure uuhen exposed to certain visuoF rrrd^es. 

including noshing lights or pcitteri^ that mo^ ^^ppeor in video goines. €uen people uuho hove r>o historg 

aF s«i2ures or epiiepsv ^rirog hofh/e on urvdloQAOsed condlEion that con cause idi«se "photosonsitlve epileptics 

seizures" ujihilie uuotchirhg video gomes. 

These seizures mo^ hofve o voriety of syrrptoms frvcluding; Itghtheoctedness. oitered vision, e^ or foce 

tuultchir^, jefliirtg or shohing oi arms or legs, disorieototion, conlijsioii, or momencorv loss oP ouoreness. 

Seizure!^ rrov olso couse loss oP consciousness or <o<wulsions thot cofi leocl Co injury fronn Foiling dkiujn 

or striliing nearby objects. 

Iffimediotely stop ploying ond consuk o doctor if you experience ony qf these sympcoois Parents should 

UKitch For or ash their children about the obove symptoms — diildfcwi ond teenogers ore more llhely thon 

odults to etperiertce these seizures. 

The risk oF pTiotosensitive epileptrc seizures moy ise reckiced by sitting forther from the television streert. 

using □ smollei television screen, ploying In o utell-iit room, ond noc ploying ofhen you are drocusy 

Or fotigued. 

IF you or any of your relotlves hove o hbstory oF seizures or epilepsy, consult o doctor t^efore ploying. 

Other Ifflpottont Health Qftd Sofety Informotlon* The Xbox*' Jrctructiofl Monuol contains imporcont heolth 

ond SroFety mFormotior. thot you should read and ur>derstand before using this softujcre 


Do not ute luich e«rtatn talevliloni. Some tefevisions, especially Front- or reor-pro)ectlon types, coo be 
domoged if any victeo gomes, including Xbo;^ gomes, ore ployed on them. Stotic imoges presented during 
the nomwl course oF gome ploy moy "bum in" to thie saeen, cousing o pemionent shock>uj oF the itotic 
Imo^e to c^^peor ot oil times, zver\ luhen video gomes ore not Iseing ployed. Similar damoge may occur 
froffl stotic imoges o-eoted ujhen placing o video gcwne on hold or pouse. Consult your television ouintfr's 
mont>ol to ctetermine if video gomes con be ptoyed sofely on your set. If you ore unable to Frr^ this 
inFormotion in the oujner's monuol, contoct your television deoler or the monufacturer to determine If video 
games con be ployed or^ your set. 

Urvouthcirized copying, reverse engineering, timsmission, publk perFormonce, rentoL poy for ploy, 
or circumrventicm of copy protection is strictly prohibited. 


mfiinmEnu 2 


H Spetial Mestage hon ®£[P®SSQ' 

Thojld (KJU for setettlng M6Gfl MWJ" FIMWCflSflRV COaeaiON for ^lour »>oi« indeo goma 
si^terr. CflPCOM is proud to bring you this ^ww oddition to your vjcteo gome llbforv- 

CftPCOM eNT«fnBIP*/ieNT, iNC. 475 Ookmaod Par)<iiiOV. Sunnvwile. CH 940S5. 




GniDE scREens 
moRE GfimE inFO 

stage Select 
In-Game Hints 
Game Select 

niEGn mnn® GflmEs 







mEGRHinTS 15 

Ulsit mega man at 

Register online at 


mnin fncnu 

Press O [START] at the Title Screen 
to open the lllain menu. Select one of its 
three doors. (Use the Henu Controls 

shown heloiu for all menus 

in the game,] 

Doer I: florl 

start a game bg selecting one of these options' 

< flew Game - Play any game from fflego 
nan I to ine9a fflafi 8. Enter the Game 
Room and select any game to start it 
from ttie lieginning. On the game's Title 
Screen, select f tort. 

< lead Come - Any time you dear a stage, 
your game is saued automatically 
to the Xbox Hard Disit. Select this option 
to load your saued game. 

Tip: See page 14 for more information on saving 

Door 2: Oplion/ 

Set the game up your way. 

< Jaund Option/ - How loud would you lihe the game's music 
and SFK? Set it here. 

< 6am«ploy Opiion/: 

navi fflode On/Off - Turn this On for in-game hints 

(111990 fflon I - T only). 

DiMieuily - Eo/y is for beginners, neimoi is for euergone 

else. (111090 man I - 7 only.) 

florlin9 liv##- Giue yourself I Hues [just like in the original 

me9a man games) or S Hues to clear a leuel. 

Door Si lecreU 

Clearing games unlocks unseen game 
features. Select the f«cr«l/ door to see 
the hidden prizes you'ue earned. 

Menu Control/ 

< Use O (left thumbstich) or # (directional pad) 
to select. 

< Press © to confirm. 

< Press O to cancel. 




Change weapons 


» Cancel 

* nutofire (Me^a 

fllove Rlego fflon 

< Press # (directional pad] or ' 

[left thumbstich] #/#/^/^. 

' 6 anly) 


Slide [Mega Man J - 6) 

IDoue mega man 
Select menj items 


Open/Close Sub-Screen 
Confirm menu selection 

■ O [BHCK] 

Display Ettit Game menu 
In ilaui mode, uieui 
game liints 



Slide (#+0; 

nioga man I ■ 8 Only) 

Scroll tlirougli mission 
Screens In some games 


- Hold down to cliarge 
your weapon; release 
to fire (ni<?9a mar, 
4 - B only) 

not used 


< Press ® or # + O to slide (nieso fflon s - 6 only]. 

< Press # + O to slide [fflcgo fflon l - 6 only). 


< Press O to jump up. Jump while mouing # or O to reach 
ledges to the left and right. 


< Press O to fire your uieapon. Vou can fire and Jump 
at the same time. 

< Hold down O to charge up your weapon. lUhen you release 

the button, you get a bigger blast that does more damage 
(01990 fflon 4 ■ S only). 


< Hold down O for rapid autofire [me9o 
fflon I • 6 only). 

ladder Climb 

< Jump to grab onto a high ladder. 
Press #or # to climb up and down. 
Jump to dismount hefore reaching 
the bottom of the ladder. 


cnniE iCRCcns 

fflORC come inro 


Current Weapon 6t Energy Level 
Obtain another weapon to switch. 


Energy Level - 

Decreases as Mega 
Man takes hits. 

Remaining Lives 

When they're used 
up, the game ends. 

.. Weapon 

Restores energy 

to your current 


Energy Pellet 

Restores Mega 
Man's energy. 


Press O (STHRT) to open the Sub-Screen where you can check your 
game status. Select HeKt to cycle through the pages. The game 
pauses as long as the Sub-Screen is open. , 

Weapon ■ 

BS^BB- — Stored Energy 
"■"""■ Tanks 

-- NEXT Button 

Weapon Name 

Remaining Weapon Energy 

Tip: Press O again to close 
the Sjb-Screen. 



The Stage Select Screen appears 
uihen you select either new Come 
or lead Gome. To get the game 
rolling, choose the stage you'll 
ptay by selecting the Stage Boss. 
Vou can select any Stage Boss 
you haven't defeated. 

< In ffle^a maA I - 6, you 

) see all the Stage Bosses. 

< In nie^a Rlon 7 - 0, after beating the first stage, you see the first 
four Stage Bosses. Beat those Bosses to see the next four Bosses. 

< Os you clear stages, more stages may become auailable. 

in-GAfflc Hin 

Help yourself out! Vou can get game 
hints during play by turning navi fllode 
on in the Options Screen (see page 3). 

< Beat Ihe Bird or other friends will 
shoui up when the going gets tough 
to lead you toward the right path. 

< Other characters will yiue you hints. Ulhile in Haul mode, 
press O [BACK) when you see "1" on screen to 
display the hints. 



Ulhile playing a game, you can return to the Title Screen by pressing 
O (SELECT] [Rleso fflon I • 7] or by pressing O in tiie Start 
menu (ffle^o rilon 8). 


Your game is saued automatically wben 
you clear a stage or lose all your Hues. 
You also get a password euery time 
you clear a stage. The password gets 
you bach into the game at that spot. 
(So write it down.) 

To use a password, select a game, 
and then select Pa//uiord 
from the game's Title Screen. 

< Use # or O to moue the cursor. 

< Press © to enter a character. 

< IRoue the cursor to End and press O (STFinT) 
to submit the password. 

If you got it right, you'll resume the game, but you'll 
lose temporary items such as extra lEues, energy 
and weapon subtanks. 

Tip: Ole^o non 8 doesn't tiaue passwords. 


< O is the Fire and Charge button. Tap it to fire. In (11090 
hold it down to charge up your weapon, and then release it 

< You can obtain new weapons either by defeating Bosses 
and collecting their weapons or by collecting enough parts 
to make something new. Ulhen IDega man changes weapons, 
he also changes color. 

< Ulhen your weapon is charged up, it fires with a bigger blast 
and does more damage, mega man sparkles when he's 
using a cbarged-up weapon. 



Run ouer collectibles to pick them up. Besides the Items on this page, 
see what else you can find! 

< EIIERGY PEUETI - increase mega man's energg leuel. 

< uiEAPOn CRPfUlCf - Increase the energy leuel of mega man's 
current special weapon. 

< eneRCY rnnKJ - Fully restore mega man's energy supply, 
mega man can store Energy Tanks until they're needed. 

< l-UP - Giues ITIega man one more life. 

< RUJH coil - Rush turns into a springboard and catapults 
mega man ouer obstacles. 

< RUiH fflflRinE - Rush turns into a submarine for undersea hunts. 

< RUSH fCT - Rush becomes a jet sled for shy-high trauel. 

Tipt not all items appear 
in euery game. 


fflGcn mnfl' cninci 

niECn fflfln h The fne9Q man Jlori| 

It's niEGfl fnfin versus the powerful leaders and fighting forces of 
nionsteropQlls - that strange multi -faceted land of robot-like Humanolds. 

Brilliant scientist Dr. Light concelued the construction of fully-operational 
human-like experimental robots to perform specific eueryday duties. 
Dr. Light, and his assistant Dr. lUily, encouraged by their iiery first 
near-human robot - DIEGH DlflD - proceeded to deoeiop sift additional 
Humanolds, all programmed to perform prescribed rituals: 

< Cviman - Designed to function as a lumberjack. Pouierful 
saui-toothed scissors-like instrument protrudes from head, 
capable of gnawing through giant forest lumber 

< Oiit/mon - n bulldozing character capable 
of lifting and transporting huge boulders. 

< Iceman - Impervious to chilling sub-zero 
temperatures, capable of human-like 
performances under extreme 
climatic conditions. 

< iembmon - fl real "blaster" as a heauy- 
duty laborer upho uses Intensely powerful 
explosives to clear land for Dr. Light's 
construction projects. 

< riiemon - Dtelts and molds metals with flame-throwing 
torch flaring from atop his head. 

< Clecman - Dr. Light's electrifying creation, planned for conducting 
electrical operations - even supervising nuclear power plants. 

But, with the exception of IflEGH DIHD, all of Dr. Light's near-human 
robot experimentation went awry. Dssistant Dr. lUily turned disloyal, 
re-programming Dr. Light's Humanolds, now bent on destroying 
opposition so Dr. Ulilg can control the world and its resources. 

Resisting re-programming, HIEGH inHfl is chosen as the defender 
of the uniuerse and its inhabitants. mEGFi IHHIl dares to single-handedly 
penetrate seven separate empires of Hlonsteropolis, eliminating the leaders 
and followers of these sovereignties. 



mccn mnn «: The Relurn of Ulily 

In the year 200x, a super-robot named Dlega (Dan was created 

by Dr. Light to stop the evil designs of Dr. liUily. However, after his defeat, 

Dr. UlJly created eight of his own robots to counter IDega [Han.... 

fflccn mnn st metoi niiock 

"CalHng IDega Dlan! CalHng Dlega DIan! Come In please! 

"IDega IDan, we need you! Ule're down to the wire on our peace-keeping 
project. Ule've got to get those last energy crystals or we can't finish it. 
Dr. lUlly is here now, too...yes...he's finally found his sanity. He knows 
where the crystals are! They're In the mining worlds, but we can't get 
to 'em. The robots are running amok and they're destroying everything! 

"You'ue got to get there, Dlega Dlan, and get those crystals! You'U have 
to face some pretty mean metal. Expect the worst! Is Rush there with you? 
Giue him a bolt to chew on and tell him it's from us. tUhat's that...we must 
be getting statlc.sounds like you said 'lUoof!' 

"mega Dlan, get to those mining worlds pronto! Grab the crystals 
and stop whoeuer's in charge! He's one lunatic guyl 

i yyy "This Is Dr. Light. Over and out!" 

i\i>t' niCCA mnn it lAvilotion lo Doeml 

^^^^;^ j-^^^^ H year after the destruction of Gamma, a mysterious 
^•lJ^t*-' r . message arrives at Dr. Light's lab.... 

Good evening. Dr. Light: 
Allow me to introduce myself — / am 
Dr. Coisack. You may not have heard of me, 
but ioon the world wilt Jtnow my name. 
Over the years, you have been hailed as the greatest robot 
designer in the world, while my robotic creations have been totally 
Ignored. I cannot allow this to continue. The world must be made 
aware of my genius! 

From my Siberian citadel, I've sent eight of my most powerful 
robots to destroy the titanium troublemaker, Mega Man. Once they 
have obliterated him, I will place his broken body on display 
for the entire world to see. Only then will I be allowed to take 
my place as the greatest robot designer of all time! 
(signed) ^^^ Co4M.t«. 

fncCA fnnn S: Brolher A9oin/t Brothefl 

"Cossack to niega man! Cossack to niega man! Come in, IHega lllan! 

"Protoman has gone wild! City Hall and the spaceport haue been totally 
destroyed and the city's power grid Is in shambles, i'ue neuer seen 
destruction on this scale before! 

"I know you're worried abojt Dr. Light, but your first duty is to free the 
city from the grip of Protoman's robots. I can modify your reactor to giue 
the mega Buster a little more power, but the rest is up to you. Dr. Light 
and I haue been worhing on a special project, but it's not finished yet. 
niaybe if 1 can get it working, it might glue you an edge. 

"Remember to watcb your back, fllega man. Protoman seems to haue 
become more ruthless than we thought possible. Good tuck! 

Cossack out!" 

inCGfl fnnn 6: The ini|/(eriou/ lllr. X! 

The most talented robot designers from across the globe haue come 
to the First Annual Robot Tournament sponsored by the billionaire, mr. K. 
Traoeling from Japan, Canada and the United States, the designers haue 
brought their finest cybernetic creations to do battle in a series of tests 
to see which robot can claim the title of "The most Powerful Robot 
in the Ulortd." 

nothing seems strange as the contest begins, but when the top eight robots 
enter the arena for the final euent, the lights dim and the mysterious 
mr. H appears.... 

"ladles and Gentlemen...l wish to tbank you all for coming to see the final 
euent of my First finnual Robot Tournament, fis you know, I haoe kept 
the final euent of the tournament a secret. This euent wilt test the 
strength, skill and intelligence of each of these fine robots. In fact, it will 
also test the strength and skill of each one of you. That may seem strange, 
but I'm sure you will understand when t explain that the final test 
for these robots is to help me conguer the world! 

"Please excuse me and my robots as we teleport out of here, but we haue 
a lot of work to do. But don't worry, you'll see me again soon.... 

Real soon!" 


fflECn man 7: Dr. Ulilif 
Behind Bar/! 

The world's pulse raced with excitement! 

Eueryone truly belieued the conniuing Dr. lUily 

had been stopped for good and imprisoned by 

the oallant mega man. Reporters jockeyed with 

cameramen for snapshots as the infamous Doctor hung 

his bead while being dragged away in handcuffs. Dr. Wily would soon be 

behind bars. Or would he? 

Dr. Ulily was ready for anything. He had known bis dastardly plans would 
end in failure some day, so after sIk months without contact his laboratory 
sprang to life, monitors whirred into action, lights flashed and the lab 
control panel booted up. In no time four hidden robots emerged. The robots 
then began a rampage in search of their master. Ulily had done it again, 
nothing would get in their way! 

The world's racing pulse turned to neruous fear as a city was pummeled, 
Ulasn't Dr. Ulily in jail? Ulhy was this still happening? The four robots took 
no beed of the great robot creator Or. Light, mega man found Dr. Light 
and the canine cyborg Rush fallen in the streets. 

"Dr. Light? Hre you O.K.?" IRega man shouted. 

"mega man! Ule haue no time," replied Dr. Light. "Dr. Ulily is using his 
robots to couer up his escape. Vou must go! Follow bis spaceship!" 

mega man. Dr. Light and Rush looked on in horror as Dr. Ul fly's spaceship 
shot out of the prison. Dr. lUily was on the loose! 

niGGn nrnn b: iiieciQ (non 

mega man, the second robot created by Dr. Thomas Light, was originally 
intended only to perform functions in the laboratory that Dr. Light could 
not perform himself. Slowly, Dr. Light began using mega man for more 
and more aduanced robotics experiments. 

One day, mega man walked in on Dr. Light Hstening to an intercepted 
transmission from the euil Dr. Ulily. The transmission exposed Dr. Ulily's 
plans for world domination, mega man convinced the good Dr. Light to let 
him chase down and eliminate the threat of his nemesis. 

mega man's dags as a "gofer" in the lab were ouer! 

I S 



Join up with a friend in power battles, wliere you liotli talte on 
Dr. lUily's roiiots. Or talfe yojr chances alone, in tliese games you 
can control lllega man, Bass or Protoman. Go for it! 



You can saue your game to the Kbox Hard Dish: 

< When you defeat any Boss in fflega man 1-7, your game Is 
saued automatically, preseruing all your progress in all 
the Rleqo ffl«n games on the game DUD. '^^ 

< In me9o moA 6 you uilll be prompted to saue at certain 
points in the game. 

To resume your saued game, select Isod Come 

from the main menu. /ii ji 

< Ulhen you turn on the power to the Xbox console, your saw '^^ 
game uulll load automatically. 

< There is only one nego llldA llnnivei/o(i( ColleeUen 
saue. Ulheneuer the game is saued, the new saue ouerwrites 
the preuious saue. 

< if FDega Dlan starts falling, press ^ or 9. 
Vou might be able to saue his life. 

< Ulhen niega man is damaged, he can't be hurt 
for a second or two. Use this time to get past 
tough spots. 

< It takes maximum strength to beat any Boss. 
Always go into battle with as much power 

.j. , V as you can muster. 

Vj^C^ Vou get the Boss's weapon uihen you defeat him. 
V figure out which Boss to take on first, second, 
and so on, so you'll haue the right weapon 
for the next battle. 

<^ Vou'll pick up a password uiheneuer you clear 
a leuel. Be sure to note it down someujhere. 

< In 111990 (Don 8, some stages are longer 
than others. The longer ones allow you to saue 
in mid -leuel. Be sure to do so, so it's not 
a tragedy if mega Ulan loses all his Ims 
before you defeat the Boss! 




I 5